Those who commit to protecting us or coming to the aid of others deserve to be recognized for their dedication, which is why we have decided to dedicate our site to these men and women. aims to offer defense and security professionals as well as all other state servants exclusive discounts on their equipment and professional clothing.
How to display prices?
- Check if you are eligible to benefit from our exclusive offers*.
- Create an account for free or log in.
- Enjoy your exclusive discounts!
*To find out if you can take advantage of our exclusive offers, see the full list of eligible profiles below.
Not eligible to create an account?
No problem, we have a dedicated site for you too: Welkit Planet
Eligible to benefit from the offers:
Whether you are active or reserve, retired or a student.
Law enforcement
- National Gendarmerie
- National Police
- Municipal Police
- Customs Services
- Penitentiary Administration
- Students
Families or close ones
It is crucial to have the support of family and close ones when on a mission, which is why we admit spouses, parents, children, or friends of military and law enforcement on our site Welkit (note: to order on our site you must be over 18 years old).
Protection, Safety, and Security Services
- Railway Police
- Civil Protection
- Security Agent
Emergency services
- Firefighter
- Rescuer (SAMU, SMUR, etc...)
- Hospital member