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  • Tatouages militaires : signification, autorisation,...

    Military tattoos: meaning, authorization,...

    Tattoos have always held a significant place in military cultures around the world, serving as symbols of courage, battle memorials, and marks of unity among soldiers. History and Evolution of...

  • Les grades de la gendarmerie nationale : guide 2024

    The ranks of the national gendarmerie: 2024 guide

    This article offers a comprehensive guide to the ranks within the French National Gendarmerie, explaining each level of responsibility and how these hierarchical structures support the operational efficiency of this...

  • Comment devenir gendarme au PGHM ?

    How to become a gendarme at the PGHM?

    The PGHM is an elite unit of the French gendarmerie, specialized in rescue and intervention operations in high mountains. Joining the PGHM offers a unique opportunity to serve in extreme...

  • Comment rejoindre le GIGN ?

    How to join the GIGN?

    Joining the GIGN, one of the most respected elite units in the world, is an ambitious goal that requires determination, physical and mental excellence, and meticulous preparation. What is the...

  • Comment rejoindre le PSIG ?

    How to join the PSIG?

    Joining the Surveillance and Intervention Platoon of the Gendarmerie (PSIG) is an ambition for those passionate about a dynamic career in security. The PSIG plays an essential role in rapid...

  • Comment poser correctement un garrot ?

    How to properly apply a tourniquet?

    Knowing how to apply a tourniquet properly can be crucial for saving a life. Used to limit blood circulation around an arm or leg during uncontrollable bleeding caused by severe...

  • Parcours du combattant : comment s'y préparer ?

    Obstacle course: how to prepare for it?

    The obstacle course, a test of physical and mental resilience, requires specific preparation to excel. This article details the key exercises and essential nutritional advice to improve your performance and...

  • Comment devenir maître-chien dans l'armée ?

    How to become a military dog handler?

    The role of a dog handler in the military is crucial, combining a passion for animals with a commitment to national defense. These professionals train and lead dogs in various...

  • Police et gendarmerie: quelles sont les différences ?

    Police and gendarmerie: what are the differences?

    This article explores in detail the distinctions between the police and the gendarmerie, two crucial forces for public safety in France, highlighting their roles, structures, and specific areas of operation....

  • Comment choisir son gilet pare-balles ? (2024)

    How to choose your bulletproof vest? (2024)

    With the constant evolution of personal and security threats, the bulletproof vest has become an essential piece of equipment for many professionals and civilians. This comprehensive guide will provide you...

  • Masques COVID-19 : Guide Pratique

    COVID-19 Masks: Practical Guide

    Despite the optimists' wishes, the hope of returning to our previous life is in vain; the COVID-19 crisis has changed our lives and will continue to alter our habits for...

  • GIGN : rencontre avec un ancien gendarme du GI

    GIGN: meeting with a former GI gendarme

    In "GIGN: Confessions of an OPS", Philippe B. recounts the daily life of his fifteen years spent in the intervention group of the National Gendarmerie. Come meet this former gendarme...

  • Insatiable et modeste

    Insatiable and modest

    Dan Costa, fondateur de First Tactical : rien ne peut l'arrêter La semaine dernière, j'ai eu la chance de pouvoir voyager à Santa Cruz en Californie, et d'être aux côtés...

  • Masque tactique Vs. Lunettes de protection

    Tactical Mask Vs. Protective Goggles

    Tactical Mask or Ballistic Glasses, Which to Choose? For several years, the pair of ballistic protection glasses and the tactical mask have become essential elements of a soldier's individual equipment...

  • Holster Blackhawk Omnivore : maintenant disponible !

    Holster Blackhawk Omnivore: now available!

    Discover the new Blackhawk holsters compatible with over 150 types of pistols Having a holster for each different weapon... forget about this problem now. The BLACKHAWK! Omnivore is a multi-use...

  • Sangle tactique : comment bien l'installer ?

    Tactical sling: how to install it properly?

    Vickers Blue Force Gear Tactical Sling WARNING Before attaching your tactical sling, make sure your weapon is unloaded and secured. Forgetting this can lead to serious accidents that can result...

  • Les holsters de cuisse sont-ils mieux que ceux de ceinture ?

    Are thigh holsters better than belt holsters?

    Thigh Holster vs. Belt Holster Many customers ask us this question in our stores. It is difficult to answer because it is truly a matter of personal preference. Nevertheless, thanks...

  • Buvons-nous vraiment assez d’eau ?

    Are we really drinking enough water?

    Hydration: The Essential Fuel for Humans Several recent studies have shown that almost half of men and women do not drink enough water in a day. This means that this...

  • De nouveaux outils d'effraction pour l'Armée de Terre

    New Breaching Tools for the Army

    The Army Equips Itself with Blackhawk The Ministry of Defense has recently acquired new breaching tools for the Infantry and Engineers. This equipment, the Dynamic Entry tools by Blackhawk, a...

  • Comment choisir son holster idéal en 2024 ?

    How to choose your ideal holster in 2024?

    When it comes to choosing a holster, professionals and enthusiasts primarily seek a functional product that fits their body shape and is comfortable for prolonged wear. We therefore offer you...

  • Vega Holster : une histoire de performance

    Vega Holster: a story of performance

    History of the Vega Holster Brand Vega Holster is an Italian company, established in 1993, which over time has established itself as one of the major players in the world...

  • Blackhawk : l’apparition du holster Serpa

    Blackhawk: the appearance of the Serpa holster

    The Serpa Holster: A Global Success, by Blackhawk The Serpa holsters are among the most renowned Blackhawk products. They are used worldwide by numerous military units including the US Army,...

  • Conseils d’hydratation avant une course par Camelbak

    Hydration Tips Before a Race by Camelbak

    Seven Tips for Properly Preparing for a Race With the return of good weather, it's not uncommon to want to get back into running. Whether you are an experienced athlete...

  • EMS Jump Bag par First Tactical

    EMS Jump Bag by First Tactical

    The First Tactical Jump Bag: The Ideal Tool for All First Responders The Jump Bag from First Tactical is robust, reliable, and practical. It allows first responders (paramedics, doctors, firefighters...)...

  • SNUGPAK ResponsePak, le sac plein de ressources

    SNUGPAK ResponsePak, the resourceful bag

    The Responsepak is one of Snugpak's greatest successes. Its design hasn't changed since its initial development. In this article, the internationally renowned brand ambassador Perry McGee from the UK National...

  • Comment offrir à votre Leatherman une longue durée de vie ?

    How to give your Leatherman a long lifespan?

    Maintaining your Leatherman multi-tool in excellent condition ensures not only its durability but also its availability for your most demanding projects. General Cleaning Cleaning After Normal Use Regular cleaning with...

  • Le HK416 remplace le FAMAS

    The HK416 replaces the FAMAS

    H&K wins the AIF contract with its HK416 Why replace the FAMAS? Designed to replace the good old automatic rifle Mle 49/56, the Famas brought the French army into the...

  • 5 livres militaires incontournables

    5 must-read military books

    Selection of 5 Military Books The holidays are coming and so are the moments of relaxation. And as often, we take the opportunity to buy a few books that end...

  • Le MultiCam – Histoire et fonctionnement

    The MultiCam – History and Functioning

    Multicam Camouflage Multicam has established itself in recent years as an essential camouflage. Used by no less than 38 countries, including France, it is present everywhere: regular armies, special forces,...

  • 3 manières de transporter de l'eau

    3 ways to transport water

    Military Canteen, Water Bladder, Reservoir... The good weather is returning and the season for hikers and camping is approaching. Beyond the purely material equipment needed, there is one single and...

  • Hydratation et filtrage de l'eau avec SOURCE

    Hydration and water filtration with SOURCE

    "Is my Source hydration system compatible with this filtration device?", "What type of filters do you recommend?", "Which water purification method works best?"... We are often asked these questions, and...

  • Remplacement du FAMAS prévu dès 2017

    Replacement of the FAMAS scheduled from 2017

    The FAMAS (Fusil d’Assaut de la Manufacture d’Armes de Saint-Etienne) When you think of the French Army, you inevitably think of... FAMAS. The famous French assault rifle is currently living...

  • Berghaus – Une ascension vertigineuse

    Berghaus – A dizzying ascent

    Berghaus 1966 - 1970 In 1966, outdoor equipment didn't really exist. It must be said that the needs at that time were very different from today. The story of Berghaus...

  • Le sac à dos Tactix 1-Day+ par MilspecMonkey

    The Tactix 1-Day+ Backpack by MilspecMonkey

    The First Tactical Tactix 1-Day Plus Backpack: Tested and Approved by MilspecMonkey As we could have guessed, First Tactical did a good job in designing its product range, including some...